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Featuring Sir Derek Jacobi as William Rolfe, James Maxwell as 1st Bailiff and Joseph O’Conor as 2nd Bailiff
Featuring Derek Jacobi as Jack Tattle and Jennifer Hilary as Mrs Frail
Featuring Derek Jacobi as Strindberg and Derbhel Crotty as Harriet
Listing show dates and detailing cast, creative and production teams
Listing show dates and detailing cast, creative and production teams
Listing show dates and detailing cast, creative and production teams
Listing cast and production team and show dates
Listing show dates and detailing cast, creative and production teams
Listing show dates and detailing cast, creative and production teams
Listing show dates and detailing cast, creative and production teams
Listing show dates and detailing cast, creative and production teams
Listing show dates and detailing cast, creative and production teams