Memory: Theatre on the Fly (2012)


thought Theatre On the Fly was genius, great concept, great community involvement and raw, energised productions

From: Dave Hyland via Twitter

Read Dave’s blog on Theatre On the Fly here.

Memory: The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui (2012)

arutro uiThe amazing atmosphere of menace, the growing dread, the brilliant, mesmerising acting of Henry Goodman, starting as a figure and becoming horrific and compelling, as well as the rest of the cast and the production contributed to an amazing and chilling play that stayed in the memory.

From: Anon

Memory: Henry Goodman (Actor)

henry goodman

1. A riveting performance with the most spine-tingling ending of any play.

The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, 2012

From: Anne Barry

2. Henry Goodman was incredible, he was Arturo Ui in every aspect of his being but particularly his physical portrayal. A truly outstanding performance which made you laugh and feel shocked in equal measure.

From: Jill Martin